
Ford Key Prices
Transponder Key - £60
Remote Key - £100 - £160
Smart key - £120
All Keys lost - £160 - £240

KA Fiesta Focus Mondeo Transit Kuga

Ford Transponder Key

We offer transponder keys for all suitable models from 1995 to present day

The price for Transponder Key is £60 for all suitable models
Please note that transponder keys don't have any remote functions
with this key you can only manually unlock the car and start the engine

Ford Remote Key

Additional Remote Key
"Ford Remote Key"- £100

All Keys Lost 
"Ford Remote Key"  - £16

Fiesta Focus Mondeo C-Max S-Max 


Additional Ford Transit Remote Key
Ford Transit with separate remote 1995 - 2006- £100
Ford Transit with blue remote key 2006 - 2014- £140
Ford Transit with black remote key 2014 onward- £120

All Keys Lost Ford Transit
Ford Transit with separate remote 1995 - 2006- £160
Ford Transit blue remote key 2006 - 2014- £180
Ford Transit black remote key 2014 onward - £180

Ford Smart Key

Additional Smart Keys
"Ford Smart Key" - £120
Focus Kuga 2008-2012 - £140

All Smart Keys Lost 
"Ford Smart Key" - £160
Focus Kuga 2008-2012 - £180